Do you want to take culture to the next level? This program offers a complete roadmap for driving positive change in your organization. We measure employees’ satisfaction, pride, retention, and advocacy for the company. Our survey and data collection and analysis tool not only provides custom data for your organization, but it also dives deep into insights at all team levels.

What You Get

  • 3, 1:1 Strategic Culture Coaching Sessions per month
  • 2 Goal Setting & Strategy Planning Sessions
  • Monthly Deliverables and Plan of Action
  • Behavioral Assessment and read back for the Leadership Team
  • Individual Coaching for your key players.
  • Facilitated Leadership Team Strategy Session
  • Data Collection Plan
  • Employee Experience Survey Deployment
  • Results Analysis and Benchmark Comparison
  • A dedicated Culture Coach by your side for the entire process

What You Walk Away With

  • Strategic Culture Framework
  • Employee Value Proposition
  • Culture Redesigned Blueprint
  • Engagement and sustainability strategy
  • Tactical Employee Experience Mapping Employee Experience Survey Tool
  • Employee Engagement Scores (micro and macro level)
  • Strategic Plan of Action based on Engagement Report

What Drives Us Forward

Most companies have their values posted on the wall. They say their main focus is customer satisfaction. In most cases, those values don’taffect the decision-making process or theemployees’ daily activities and negatively impact the final customer.

Culture Redesigned targets employees’ lack of performance and engagement, helping create highly motivated and engaged teamsthat deliver exceptional products and services, leading organizations to improved customer satisfaction and retention.

Creating a tangible, winning culture in everyday activities that every team member lives is a real solution in a competitive market. Culture is something that competitors can’t copy.

Hi, I'm Adriana Vaccaro

MBA – SHRM SCP & Culture Strategist

I coach business owners on how to create a winning culture that leverages their company’s identity by articulating and integrating the culture into the behaviors of their employees while inspiring them to perform at peak levels and achieve outstanding results.

Process + People doesn’t equal success UNLESS you offer an environment where people can thrive.

But it’s not just about putting a nice quote on the wall. To build a winning culture, you must communicate culture tangibly so employees ritualize it and externalize it through their behaviors and attitudes.

That’s what I’m here to help you achieve.